U.S. military attire establishes professionalism and shows a dedication to military principles. The uniform, which displayed distinct ranks for the troop's branch and speciality insignia while Soldiers were wearing military dress uniforms and bronze or subdued hues when they were on the battlefield.
The military uniform used by the French in 1757 featured an intriguing pattern. Typically, the French Army wore white uniforms. The French army wore a simple white uniform. The Bourgogne Regiment had uniforms that resembled infantry uniforms. desert flecktarn

The Russian Navy's uniform is one famous example. Each season calls for a different dress code for the Russian Navy. The clothes are uniforms for soldiers in navy blue, white, or black. Under their uniform, they don the customary telnyashka, a sleeveless undershirt with horizontal white and blue stripes.
Another item that has to be included on this list is the imperial German military uniform (1842–1918). Most foot units during this period wore the Waffenrock, a Soldier's tunic. By regiment, the colour and appearance always varied.
In 2016, new military attire for Ukraine was introduced. Their new attire is modelled in British military fashions. They are coloured in a contemporary pixelated camouflage pattern, and the cap of the Ukrainian military uniform.
The British military foot guards must be included on any list of cool military attire. They dress in a traditional, well-known way. The tall, fluffy, dark hat and bright red overcoat are both well-known. The gold chin strap that holds the hat on is another way to identify them.
The only uniform in the US that is designated to feature the red, white, and blue colours of the American flag is the Dress Blues uniform used by the United States Marine Corps.
When Charles II was restored in 1660, the armoured heavy cavalry was assigned to royal duties, and this is when The Royal Horse Guards, also known as The Blues and Royals, developed its distinctive outfit. They dressed in dark blue uniforms.
No-1 During formal, ceremonial, and state occasions such royal guards, guards of honour, quarter guards, and public duties, a ceremonial uniform is used. When performing their duties as Equerry in Court, officials also don the uniform.
The costume of this ceremonial regiment in Mongolia is modelled after the uniforms worn during Genghis Khan's Mongol Empire in the thirteenth century. The Special Battalion of the Guard of Honour, which was founded in 1955, is a ceremonial force with that name.

tiger camo Image Source: Instagram-histoire_de_miette