Consumers might like the Apple iPhone Plus' extended battery life, but power outlets? Not so much.
In a new advertisement for Apple’s iPhone 15 Plus, a power outlet sings about loneliness. Why is the poor wall socket feeling so alone? When the words “loooooong battery life” flash on the screen at the end of the 30-second spot, we get the answer. The new Apple device doesn’t need powering up as often as other phones. Float Switch

The outlet has two electrical receptacles, each with openings that have been animated to look like they have frowning mouths and forlorn eyes, making for an emotional duet. Cleveland-bred rapper Doe Boy voices the lament, called “Way Too Long.” Breyan Isaac and Cotrell Dennard composed the song, which came out at the start of December.
“We, we had pure energy. We had that chemistry. We were inseparable,” the outlet sings. “Why we taking so long? I’ve been geekin’ I can’t sleep waiting for you to come back home. Come home. You the one. I’m in love. I feel like it’s been way too long and I’m missing, I’m missing you.”
Meanwhile, a guy lounges on the couch looking at the screen on his new iPhone and laughing, clearly too lost in his gadget to notice the outlet’s heartbreak. Then he takes off, leaving the outlet behind at home to drown in its tears (hopefully without short-circuiting). Before this ad, I’d never felt sorry for an electrical socket.
Apple released its iPhone 15 lineup in September: the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max and iPhone 15 Plus. The iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus are more or less the same, save for the Plus’ bigger size and bumped-up battery life. Apple says the Plus has up to 26 hours of video playback (20 hours streamed) and up to 100 hours of audio playback.
YouTuber Marques Brownlee, who posts technology videos to his 18 million followers, recently crowned the iPhone 15 Plus as winner in the best battery category at his 2023 smartphone awards.
“This thing just goes and goes and goes,” Brownlee said in the video announcing the victors. “If you want a risk-free, no-brainer, great battery life, that’s definitely gonna get it done for you.”
Apple’s creative team made the new ad, titled “Miss You.” Apple first shared it on YouTube on Dec. 24. It aired during a commercial break in Thursday night’s broadcast of a football game that pitted the New York Jets against the Cleveland Browns.

Energy Storage Battery The Browns won, hopefully giving at least some sad power outlets something to smile about.