Using your phone's notes app to write yourself reminders is convenient, especially if you're someone who stays glued to their phone at all times. But some people still prefer the feeling of jotting down notes by hand. Wemo, a new type of phone case from Kenma spotted by Design Milk, combines both methods: Just scribble your thoughts directly onto the case, then clean off the ink with an eraser or a finger when you're ready to write something new.
Wemo (short for "wearable memo") started as a line of notepad-slap bracelet hybrids. This new product takes the reusable sticky note concept to a new level. Thanks to the silicone case's special coating, anything written on it with an oil-based ballpoint pen will be visible. Using your phone or even getting it wet won't erase the message: You need to intentionally wipe it away to clear the slate. 3d Silicone Ink For Printing

In addition to the phone and tablet cases, the Wemo concept comes in writeable pad form. It's the perfect size for sticking to a desk, laptop, or any place else you might apply a paper sticky note. The major difference is that these pads won't fall off, and you can reuse the same one every time you want to write a new note.
Kenma's silicone notepads are perfect for people who like to write down ideas as soon as they come to them, or for people who forget things unless they're written right in front of their faces. The second generation of Wemo products, which includes the phone case and pads, isn't available to purchase just yet, but the company has plans to release it in Japan this fall and in the U.S. in April 2019. In the meantime, you can shop for existing reusable notepad products on their website.

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