If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed with professions, this WoW Classic Engineering guide will help in Season of Discovery. Engineers get access to some of the most useful items in the game - bombs, excellent head slot gear, specially crafted guns and scopes, and more. Any race can take on this profession, but if you’re trying to get the most out of it the fastest, it’s recommended you play as a Gnome. Their +15 to Engineering makes it so your patterns stay viable for longer.
All you need to do is head to one of the capital cities, train Engineering, and purchase a Blacksmith Hammer from the Engineering supply vendor, and you’re ready to go. It’s also highly recommended to keep your secondary profession as Mining, as you’ll be using quite a lot of ore in your patterns. Brass Tube

The first few levels of the WoW Classic Engineering guide build upon each other. You keep the Rough Blasting Powder and the Copper Bolts in order to make the Rough Copper Bombs. You’ll also need some Linen Cloth, but that’s easy enough to farm off of low level humanoids, or to purchase off the auction house.
Make sure to train the next level of this profession as a part of this WoW Classic Engineering guide. Franklin Lloyd (Undercity: 76, 74) and Nogg (Orgrimmar: 75.8, 25.2) are the Horde trainers. The Alliance has Trixie Quickswitch (Ironforge: 67.8, 43.2) and Lilliam Sparkspindle (Stormwind: 55, 8.6).
You’ll need the Heavy Blasting Powder and the Whirring Bronze Gizmos later, so instead of selling these, keep them in your bank. As future phases appear on the Classic-era servers, this WoW Classic Engineering guide will be updated with more things to make.
You have one more option in this WoW Classic Engineering guide. Once you hit level 30 Engineering - you can instead focus on the pieces of equipment that are used in the Waylaid Supplies boxes. You can then sell these on the Auction House, or you can use them to farm reputation. You need to grind the Supply and Logistics reputation for some of the Runes, such as Rogue’s Just a Flesh Wound Rune.
You may also wish to wait until you’ve maxed out your Engineering in WoW Classic Season of Discovery before doing this. It may also not be worth it, financially, on your server. Always check before crafting.
This WoW Classic Engineering guide will update and evolve as the content does. As there may be other patterns that wind up being more viable in the future, we’ll continue to add more as phases release across 2024.

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